Please click Housing Equity Project/Neatline Exhibits/Organizing Strategies to be directed to a spatiotemporal journey through the exhibit and find the exhibit description below.

House hunting…the image shows a “sleep in” staged at city hall in efforts to get Waterbury’s administration to come up with acceptable housing by Perez Photos, “Photo Standalone 37 — No Title” (Hartford Courant, February 9, 1968)
Despite there being a variety of approaches civil and economic unions can take in achieving a defined victory, tenant organizing adopts and implements consistent and creative strategies that gain impactful attention. These victories are commonly determined through a series of mass rallying to gain awareness, yielding higher membership, attracting media attention, and mobilizing possible legal resources.
The utilization of such effective strategies has generated both social and legal successes spanning from the foundation of tenant activity in Hartford and in combating today’s challenges. It is possible to connect today’s organizing strategies and models to past campaigns, linking the goals and strategies of different unions which have operated in differentiating decades and time periods.
In some instances, organizing strategies weren’t exclusively relevant to union activity, but also holding links to community building which yielded positive impacts on unions. Advocations for rebuilding, refurbishing, or improving living conditions in Hartford have been recorded since the foundation of such activism. Today, tenant organizations and social groups have spent their resources and time towards aiding the Hartford community in its living conditions, legal fairness, and health of residents within housing units.