Teleportation Zone


Chenille Jake & Selena L. Davis

Photography By: Selena L. Davis

“Waking up at home and falling asleep in Hartford”  

Throughout life, I was able to explore many soundscapes, like the rural quiet Eastern Agency of the Navajo Nation to the populated buzzing northeast of the United States. Two different landscapes that are different in population, environment, and culture. Being an observer of these contrasts, I want to bring a creative outlook to this change. This includes the sounds that are specific to the morning at home and to the evening sounds of Hartford, CT. The morning at home consists of outdoor and indoor sounds like the early morning howling of the coyotes or the radio being on a specific channel that speaks the Navajo Language. The evening sounds in Hartford consist of outdoor and indoor movement of the public, like the traffic in the evening or the busy sounds inside of a store as people are making their way home. I would like to teleport and discover these changes by using the perspective of time and environment. 

This is a collaboration with Selena L. Davis, my older sister, who helped with recording and adding more of a visual perspective with her photography. Over the years she has taken photos of home and the time she traveled to Hartford.  


“Home”, Summer of 2018, 26 miles from the nearest small town. this showcases what I call Home also known as Davis Ranch.
“Garden”, Summer of 2018 on the Davis Ranch. This garden held our own produce like Zucchini, corn, and squash.
“Corner St.” taken September 2021, this was the first time exploring the community of Hartford, CT.
“Evening Trip” September 2021, Making a small trip to the store while seeing what Hartford has to offer through it’s community.