About the Neighborhood

The neighborhoods we are looking at are in the Northend of Hartford and Wilson section of Windsor.

The two zip-codes surrounding the area of the proposed park are 06095, Windsor and 06120, a portion of Hartford. Windsor has a total population of 29,103 people while the Hartford zip code has a total population of 14,211 people. These two areas have a comparable population of children under the age of 18: there are 5,691 children in the Windsor zip code and 4,744 children in the Hartford zip code. Within these zip-codes the number of family households varies substantially, Windsor with 7,779 family households and Hartford with 3,134 family households. Family households represent households of married-couple families or other family households, with either a single male or female householder. There is a stark contrast in the median household incomes for these two areas, especially given their close proximity to one another: Windsor at $89,429 and Hartford at $25,154. These two figures when compared to the median income for Hartford County, just under $70,000, proves there is a great disparity between the two areas.


The following map shows the median age of the neighborhood surrounding the park. The park site is indicated with a red pin. As you can see, the median age of the Hartford neighborhood surrounding the park is one of the lowest in the area.


The following map shows the median income of the neighborhood surrounding the park. The park site is indicated with a red pin. As you can see, the median income of the Hartford neighborhood surrounding the park is some of the lowest in the area.



The following interactive map indicates the park site in relation to our current location at the Liberal Arts Action Lab. The park is shown with a green pin and the Liberal Arts Action Lab is shown with a pink pin.

Map of the park and trails provided by Riverfront Recapture

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