Food System: a wide and interconnected web of people + resources that revolve around food. The major parts of the system are about how food is grown, packaged, distributed, accessed, consumed, and disposed of.
Food Justice: a movement to secure “the benefits and risks of where, what and how food is grown and produced, transported and distributed, and accessed and eaten are shared fairly.” 1
Food Apartheid: an area without easy access to fresh, healthy, and affordable foods. The USDA call it “food desert” however, the term is misleading because it doesn’t highlight how the issue is institutional, not natural. Therefore, many advocates for food justice prefer the phrase, “food apartheid.” Click here for further explanation of why “food apartheid” is more accurate and fitting term.
Food Security: the ability to physically, socially, and financially access enough safe and nutritious food that meets dietary needs and allows for an active and healthy life.