About Us

Who We Are: The Action Lab Team

The Hartford S.H.E.L.F. project is comprised of students from both Trinity College and Capital Community College: Gillian Birk, Maddie Farrar, Amanda Lafferty, Megan Logan, Doris Zhang, and an anonymous Capital Community College student. We hope our website can act as a resource to increase the availability of information about sustainable, healthy, economical, and local foods in Hartford. We used our knowledge in different areas of study including anthropology, psychology, and environmental science, to work together and help determine what are the barriers that prevent Hartford residents from obtaining sustainable, healthy, and local foods. To learn more about the Liberal Arts Action Lab you can visit the website here.


image from: https://action-lab.org/
image from: https://www.capitalcc.edu
image from: https://www.trincoll.edu/

Our Partnership with The Hartford Office of Sustainability

The idea for this project originated from our community partner, The Hartford Office of Sustainability and Hartford’s Sustainability Coordinator, Shubhada Kambli. The office reached out to the Action Lab, hoping to find a way to help them promote local foods to the Hartford residents. Promoting local foods is part of the Hartford Climate Action Plan, which aims to shape a cleaner environment to improve public health, the economy, and social equity.

We would like to thank The Hartford Office of Sustainability, especially Shubada Kambli, for providing us this working opportunity and helping us learn more about the Hartford community. You can visit the Hartford Office of Sustainability’s website here to learn more about them and the Hartford Climate Action Plan.

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