Who Is More/Less Likely to Support PILOT?

General likelihood of support for fully-funding PILOT 


Immediately following either the positive or negative graphic about the impact of PILOT, the digital testing survey asked “How likely are you to support fully funding PILOT?”

Response Number of respondents Percent of respondents
Very likely 89 44.90%
Somewhat likely 62 31.30%
Neutral 31 15.70%
Somewhat unlikely 10 5.10%
Very unlikely 6 3.00%
Grand Total 198 100.00%

Linear regression

To better understand the factors associated with support for PILOT, we ran a regression that examined the influence of respondents’ familiarity with PILOT, the frequency with which they visit Hartford, their political ideology, and other demographic characteristics listed below. Overall, we find that being familiar with PILOT, viewing the negative image, and being liberal are positively associated with support for PILOT, while having children under 18 and living outside the Hartford suburbs are negatively associated. More specifically, on the five-point scale:

  • People living in Connecticut outside of the Hartford suburbs were .82 points less likely to support PILOT, all else constant.
  • People who were already familiar with PILOT were .37 points more likely to support PILOT, all else constant.
  • People who viewed the negative image were .21 points more likely to support PILOT, all else constant. 
  • Men were .4 points more likely to support PILOT, all else constant.
  • People identifying as liberal were .93 points more likely to support PILOT, all else constant.
  • People with children under 18 were .44 points less likely to support PILOT, all else constant.

Regression table

Variable Coefficient Standard Error
Familiarity with the PILOT program before today 0.37** 0.13
Negative graphic 0.22* 0.12
How frequently do you spend time in Hartford 0.00 0.04
Family annual income -0.01 0.03
Highest level of education -0.08 0.09
Parent to children under 18 -0.44** 0.15
Liberal 0.93** 0.17
Age 0.00 0.00
Male 0.41** 0.12
White -0.15 0.21
First-generation immigrant -0.42 0.31
Hartford suburb zip code -0.22 0.19
Non-Hartford suburb zip code -0.82** 0.29
Constant 4.33 0.69

**p-value is significant at the .05 level

*p-value is significant at the .1 level