After carefully reviewing the responses about issues with housing from our focus groups, we recommend the following:
1.) Bringing in resources before the arrival of refugees and families into their new homes. This creates a more ‘homey’ feel to a new place. Further, it makes the home more appealing in the long run. In addition to providing resources, there is an aspect of how large the home is and how it can accommodate the family. Making sure that one family has enough space for each member is important.
2.) Working collaboratively with refugees and refugee families to assess their rent or housing costs is vital for their settlement in Greater Hartford. This can include providing information on government housing aid and resources, helping with the housing search, being a resource when looking at houses, and making sure families get all their necessities. Additionally, language aid when it comes to looking at houses/apartments is essential. This will ensure they have the resources to get access to the right home for their family so that they can live comfortably.
Specific help centered towards housing will help not only immediately upon arrival, but later as well.